Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Spring Love

AGAIN (another Filk)

There's still frost on the branches of morning,
And petals but dream of Springs rebirth,
Your smile can bloom upon the darkest night;
And I know that I love you again.

I never could know you in childhood play,
Nor see you in pigtails and curls,
But on life's tree you can swing back to me;
And I know that I love you again.

Though we might be separated by twilight,
And your song but a fine memory,
I can hear your soft heart call from lonely,
And I know that I love you again.

Then I wake to your breath on my shoulder
And know you are still safe at my side.
My soul now is at peace with my spirit;
And I know that I love you again,

my darling,
I know that I love you again.



At 9:47 PM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

A masterpiece...


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